BIG IDEAS for LITTLE SCHOLARS is a collection of recommended learning resources designed for use with K -8 gifted and advanced students.

WHY? Those who work with intellectually gifted students often spend hours researching and working to create their own curriculum. In an effort to provide a kind of “library of resources,” the content on this site has been collected, curated, and some developed by yours truly – Donna Lasher, a teacher with nearly four decades of classroom experience teaching gifted and advanced students. In those years of teaching, my colleagues and I spent many hours preparing lessons and units that would intrigue and challenge our students. There are wonderful resources available, but it takes time to find them and then organize them into lessons and units of study. Here, my goal is to help teachers, especially those new to working with G/T (GATE) students, find high-ceiling, low-floor lessons and units they can use with their classes immediately. There are also many teachers and homeschooling parents who need quality enrichment curriculum. I hope to share classroom experiences (mine and yours) and any activities, lessons, and units that keep students joyfully engaged and sufficiently challenged. You’ll find many of my favorite resources here as well as a few things I’ve developed. I hope you will share yours, too. Please CONTACT ME and let me know what’s working well with your students!
To learn about how the site is organized, watch this VIDEO TOUR. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, send a MESSAGE. Let’s pool our resources and maybe impact students beyond the walls of our own classrooms.

Not long ago, I “virtually met” and joined forces with Robin Orndorff, a Gifted Resource Specialist located in Woodstock, Virginia. In May 2019, Robin created a Gifted and Talented Resources Google Team Drive for teachers of the gifted to be able to collaborate and share resources. By the fall, the Team Drive membership reached its maximum capacity… with over 2,000 teachers from all across the United States, Canada, and Australia!
The Gifted and Talented Resources Google Team Drive was recently organized into more specific Team Drives. Please fill out this form to help Robin assign you to the Team Drive that will best meet your needs! Be sure to supply a Google Account email address!