MENSA FOR KIDS – Find lesson plans, activity plans, TED Talk Connections, and even Hasbro game connections. Mensa for Kids continues to add wonderful resources “designed to meet the needs of gifted children for extension beyond the standard curriculum. Lessons may be given to the students for individual self-guided work, or they may be taught in a classroom or a home-school setting.”

DAVIDSON INSTITUTE DATABASE – Many resources and links to resources for educators needing differentiated content for gifted students.

HOAGIES GIFTED KIDS & TEENS – In the links on this page, you’ll find long lists of resources in various disciplines. In the top menu, find pages geared specifically to parents and teachers.

ENGAGE THEIR MINDS – Terri Eichholz, the “mind behind this blog” is a friend, a former colleague, and a devoted teacher. Her focus now is STEM education, but there are wonderful resources on her blog, including “Gifts for the Gifted.”

NRICH (RICH MATHEMATICS) –  This site, a product of the University of Cambridge in the UK, is a wonderful source of thousands of engaging and “rich” math lessons that focus on conceptual understanding, problem solving, and investigation. Teachers can search the site for specific grade levels and topics.

GIFTED GURU – Lisa Van Gemert is well-known by most gifted educators and very generous! On her site she offers many free resources as well as a monthly newsletter.

BYRDSEED – Ian Byrd is another advocate, speaker and educator in the gifted world. He offers a newsletter, puzzlements, and even a TV channel with lessons to “make kids’ brains swell.”