If your students have never tried this type of puzzle, the Alph-Griddle, or Alpha-Box puzzle is a logic puzzle that incorporates cardinal directions and use of a compass rose. So, as students read the clues and use logical thinking, a basic skill is also being reinforced.
Here is a tutorial for this type of puzzle. You can watch it to learn the puzzle yourself or share it directly with students. The video includes a pause that challenges viewers to try to complete the puzzle on their own. If you are unable to see the video below, you can find it HERE. You can download the student page for this tutorial HERE.
The student handout (shown here) includes an extra puzzle as well as the puzzle solution.
If your students enjoy these, you can find additional Alpha-Griddle puzzles HERE. I’ve included this type of puzzle in many of my progressive puzzles because I think they’re fun to do! For a real challenge, you could have your students try to create their own.
Provide students with graph paper or have them create their own grids. Explain that the puzzle is a grid puzzle, but the rows and columns do not necessarily have to be equal in size. A 5 x 5 grid will incorporate 25 letters of the alphabet, but students may want to incorporate all 26 letters.
This type of puzzle always has some “given” letters, so direct students to fill in (with marker) at least three or four letters. Writing the clues will be a trial-and-error process. Students will not want all of the clues to be “usable” so they might lightly pencil in a few other key letters to help them as they write their first clues. As with other kid-created puzzle challenges, it requires many types of thinking, so definitely monitor and assist as needed.
You can find additional tutorials for many other types of puzzles HERE.