“Impossible” Challenges: Struggling to Succeed

Here are a few challenges and investigations that evoke wonder and fascination if students can get past the blunders and frustration! I call these “First-Day Challenges” because I used them to spark conversations that set the tone from the first day of school. Students learn that the seemingly impossible or unbelievable might actually be possible … Read more

Sample Studies: Year-Long Thematic Units (Kinder-5th)

Here are sample Scope and Sequence documents that may give you a starting place in year-long planning or spark some new ideas to add to your curriculum. These grade-level studies are built around universal themes. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read these two articles about long-term planning for gifted students: PLEASE READ: Planning … Read more

Biomimicry for Kids: Activities and Resources (K-3 and up)

Biomimicry is a fascinating and novel topic of study for younger students. Also called biomimetics, it comes from the Greek roots bios, meaning “life,” and mimesis, “to imitate.” It is observing “what works” in nature and mimicking it to solve problems, create, and innovate. Co-founder of the Biomimicry Institute, Janine Benyus calls it “innovation inspired … Read more

Team Logic: Cooperative Problem Solving for K-3

In “Team Logic: Cooperative Problem Solving,” you’ll find some cooperative group activities for older gifted students (3rd-8th). Here are a few collaborative logical-thinking activities you can try with younger students, all found at NRICH Maths, a project of the University of Cambridge. NUMBER MATCH – (2nd-3rd) Students “play” this in groups of four and must … Read more

Planning for Gifted Students: the Work of “Reflective Artisans” and Lifelong Learners

I am desperate to tell you something. I don’t want to be misunderstood. Planning for gifted students is rewarding, fascinating, and challenging. On this site, I offer some ideas, some sample lessons, and even sample thematic plans. You can also find lists of many great resources for use in the classroom. My goal is to … Read more

Novel Ways to Study the Workings of the Human Body: (Grades K-1 / Grade 3)

For many years, the thought of guiding students in a study of the systems of the human body did not overly excite me. This is not like me. I’m interested in almost everything. I love to learn. Perhaps it has something to do with the way they were taught to me when I was in … Read more

Understanding Time: A Timeline Lesson (3rd-8th)

Is there a YEAR ZERO? What does CIRCA mean? If a man was born in 17 B.C. and died in 27 A.D., about what age did he die? Why do the 1800s make up the 19th century? These are the kind of questions that I want my students to be able to answer, and they … Read more

Long-Term Planning for Deep and Complex Studies: A Work Always in Progress

“Everyone wants to connect content across subject areas… but how do we create an overarching idea that unifies our content over an entire semester or a year? Few of us have a tool to make this happen. This is why Universal Themes are a key – but tragically underused – part of the Depth and … Read more

“Thinking Outside the Box” ~ A Lesson (3rd -8th)

It’s been around for decades and is still used frequently in business and education, but many people can’t really articulate the meaning of the phrase “thinking outside the box,” and some wonder if it should be reframed. In GT classes, lateral thinking is often a key curricular component introduced in early grades (see Six-Hat Thinking), … Read more

“Triple-A” Analogies: Challenges for Math (4th-8th):

If your students are fans of the 24 Game, they might enjoy “Triple-A” Analogies. While looking for some challenging math problems and puzzles, I ran across a type of analogy I had not seen, and even though the YouTube video was not narrated in English, I was intrigued by the math enough to try it … Read more