Celebrate Pi Day (3/14) in a Novel Way

Pi Day (3/14) is one of many math holidays you can celebrate with students! If you’ve never observed it, this Pi Day website is a great place to start. You will find teacher resources, math help, merchandise, and even a countdown to Pi Day. A simple search online will result in dozens of additional ideas!

Here are some activities that may be new to you, including a unique kind of PI DAY writing that might be a fun challenge for your students!


It’s always a good idea to start with what students already know. They know about perimeter, so you can guide them into estimating pi. I haven’t been able to find a resource that explains it in quite this way, but it may be out there! Rather than “teaching” the concept of pi, draw this diagram, discuss it, and ask them to explain what they know. In my experience, helping students connect circumference to perimeter enhances their understanding of how C=πd relates to P (of a square) =4s. This video is an explanation for teachers, not one to be shown to students.

SCIENCE SONG – Students can memorize up to 100 digits of π, or whatever number of digits they choose, by learning this song. Be sure to preview the song and determine if it’s appropriate to use with your students.


Exploratorium has several PI DAY pages with more about the history and some fantastic activities, including a “PI TOSS,” explained in this video:

PI DAY HIDOKU PIZZLES – Sarah Carter shares so many wonderful math and logic resources on her site, Math Equals Love. You’ll find several Pi Day Hidoku puzzles that vary in difficulty level, and they are all free!

I have never shared Hidoku puzzles on this website, but Sarah explains how they are solved. If you’d like to share a tutorial with your students, this one explains it well. Your students will get better at these over time.


PILISH is a type of constrained writing in which the digits of pi correspond with the number of letters in consecutive words (see examples below). Some students will go crazy with this (and others won’t, of course). If you have any linguistically-inclined mathletes in your class, please consider sharing your PILISH for PI DAY! Also, you can find free TPT resources here and here.




Pi City in the Sky – create a skyline art piece with the digits of Pi (TPT- free)

Pi Day Measuring Circular Food (TPT free)- students bring in circular food to measure.

Pi Day Graphic Organizer Activity Poster (TPT- free)

Do you have an original or unique activity you incorporate in your celebration of PI DAY? I encourage you to share it in the comments below!

See these posts for information about other special days: Fibonacci Day, Opposite Day, and Powers of Ten Day. You can also find more March activities on the Holiday/ Seasonal page.

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