Kids love to code! But they’re also fascinated by what goes on inside the computer- the circuitry and language that make transmission of so much information happen in the blink of an eye.
Here’s an outline of how you might introduce the language of computers and some fun “crack the computer code” activities and other hands-on projects.
After many years of tweaking and using different resources, this is the lesson sequence that has worked best for me. Your ideas and resources are welcome in the comments below! |
I found this in a curriculum for high school students, but I think it’s a fantastic way to introduce binary code! Begin by talking about Braille, a binary language that is familiar to most students. It is a binary code because it uses two values: raised and not raised (dots). If your students are not familiar with the prefix “bi,” explain that it means TWO, as in bicycle, biped, and bimonthly.
The lesson is explained here, and it includes an interactive online feature that your students can use to make dot patterns. Have students begin with just 2 dots and record how many pattern combinations can be made (4). Then, try 3 dots, which will make 8 combinations. Have students continue recording the number of dots and combinations that can be made until they see that, with each dot added, the number of combinations doubles. This can help students understand that with each bit added, the number of combinations doubles.
I would not want to talk about Braille with students without sharing this “Great Inventors” video (4 min.). Louis Braille creatively solved a challenge, and he did it at a very young age! The video explains how Louis came up with the idea for Braille, creatively connecting his idea with a code used in military operations. It also talks about how he had to persevere when his idea was not readily accepted. Kids can have a positive impact on the world!
Once students understand that BINARY languages have two values, you can explain that computers and all digital devices also use a binary code to receive and send all kinds of data.
Find out what students already know about digital data. Here are some questions I use:
- How on earth is it possible for videos and television shows to appear on a screen?
- How can my phone hold so much information and still show videos?
- What do you know about how computers and other devices work?
- Have you heard of BITS and BYTES? What are they?
The next step would be to explain what binary is and why it is the official digital language. HERE is a very helpful explanation. I usually give a little background information before showing any videos. Here’s what I share:
- Computers use electric signals to relay information, so they really only understand HIGH and LOW (voltage) signals. Some people say it’s like a switch being turned ON or OFF. You may also have heard that computers use ONES and ZEROS, and this is just another way to represent those signals.
- The term BIT is what we call a portmanteau word, made from BINARY+ DIGIT. A bit represents the smallest piece of digital data. A BYTE is a string of eight bits.
To make the connection to the above, return to the dot combinations, and share this or draw it on your whiteboard, eliciting the combinations from the students:

Explain that everything a computer displays is converted from binary. So, let’s start with numbers. If we want to write a zero, we have a zero. If we want to write the number 1, we have it. But what about when we’re ready to write the number 2? We’re already out of digits! We only have a one and a zero to use. You may want to try to elicit from students what to do about this. The video below explains how the binary (base 2) number system works, and as you share it, you can stop it to have students predict the next number.
IMPORTANT: Connect counting as shown in the video above to this place value chart. Make sure to give students time to digest this. You may want to have them practice counting in binary, using a place value chart like this one. Reinforce that the two-digit number 1️⃣ 0️⃣ means one two (binary place value) and zero ones, which equals the number 2. At this point, students should “get the joke” displayed at the top of this post.

Your students might also enjoy this BASE 2 ONLINE CALCULATOR.
The video below reinforces the concepts above and gets into the transmission of text and images. Students will understand better after having the prior lessons.
My students loved using these cards. In this classroom demonstration, you can see how the teacher uses these large binary cards (free download) to replicate the lesson. To keep all students engaged, you can use these small binary cards. Provide each student with a card set, and have them set the cards out in base 2 place value order. Then, call out numbers between 0 and 31 and have them turn their cards “ON” or “OFF” to correctly show the number in binary. Once their cards are correctly positioned, agree as a group on how to write the number (ON = 1 and OFF = 0). On the board, write the decimal number followed by the binary number (EXAMPLE: 23 = 1 0 1 1 1).
DECODE A SECRET MESSAGE (not necessary to do the bracelets to use this)
Many more activities, including some that are holiday-themed, can be found with a quick Google search!
If your students are interested in learning more about how computers relay images and colors, here are some additional videos, interactives, and resources.
COLOR MATCHER ~ a cool interactive tool that shows how colors are translated to binary code.
There are certainly many, many more wonderful resources for teaching about the binary language of computers. If you’d like to share your favorites, please leave a comment below! Also, if you’d like to be updated on new lesson ideas and resources added to this site, you can subscribe. There is also a video tour that will help you see how the site is organized.