Many teachers working with gifted and advanced students are required to focus on specific disciplines. The following resources focus on math concepts and skills, problem solving, logic and critical thinking. Resources listed here have been used in K-1 gifted or advanced classes, but ability levels vary from one G/T program to another. If you have any questions about any of these resources or have suggestions for additions, please send a MESSAGE.

NOTE: There is no extra cost to you, but when you purchase Amazon products linked here, I make a few pennies on the dollar (read more here). Being an Amazon Affiliate helps me offset the costs of maintaining and securing this site, which really makes my husband happy!


You can find a collection of online math tasks, resources, and manipulatives HERE.

Mentoring Mathematical Minds ~ (Grades K-2)

Natural Math – (math circles recommended – books by grade level here)

Marcy Cook Number Tile Activities (see blog post)

Open Middle ~ challenging math problems for all grades that have multiple solutions!

Find the X Tile  (blog post)

Math Pickle – Low-floor, high-ceiling original mathematical puzzles, games, and problems

Math Analogies (grades K-2)

Cognition Logic Puzzles ~ similar to Logic Links

Math Super Stars (choose the level best for your students)

NRICH (Rich Mathematics)- interactive games and activities

NRICH Problem Posters (K-3)

Primary Grade Challenge Math (Ed Zacarro)

Rubik’s Cube Units and Lessons


Mind Benders

Mashup Math Puzzles

Shapes and Logic 

Logic Links (workbook with punch-out colored chips) / Logic Links (box game set)

Solve Me Puzzles

Crayon Logic  (blog post)

Sudoku for Kids (4×4 and 6×6 grids) There are also some free printables here.


Two-Dice Sums

Primary Path Puzzles (“Crabby Conundrum,” “Penguin Puzzler,” and “Stellar Stumper”/ TPT $2 or all three puzzles for $5)

Beyond Sudoku: Kakuro and Futoshiki (blog post with teaching slide shows)

Kyudoku Logic Puzzles (blog post with video tutorial)

S.C.A.M.P.E.R. – Numbers and Math – (mini-unit / TPT $4 – see blog post)

Gus and Gabby Guessing Game ~ number logic game described in this blog post.

“On Your Feet” Logical Guessing Game

Color~Number Logic

Sweet Treats (beginner logic puzzle)

You’ve Got Game: Figure Out the Rules – articulating rules for math games and activities

Team Logic: Cooperative Problem Solving (K-3) ~ blog post

Less is More Game – strategy game that reinforces place value (teacher resources here)

Card Sort ~ (sample activity – visual-spatial thinking) / see blog post)

Mastermind Game for Beginners

Exploring Shapes (Mensa) 

Chocolate Fix (see blog post about this)

Maker Math (Area & Perimeter)

Trend-Spotting (math and multidisciplinary unit for gifted kindergarteners)

Taking Shape (math and multidisciplinary unit for gifted first graders)

A City of Towers (one lesson ~ be sure to view the Teacher Resources)

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