Many teachers working with gifted and advanced students are required to focus on specific disciplines. The following resources have a major literacy component: literature, research, writing, poetry, or vocabulary development. If you have any questions about any of these resources or have suggestions for additions, please send a MESSAGE. If you are new to this site, you may want to view the 4-minute video tour found HERE.
NOTE: There is no extra cost to you, but when you purchase Amazon products linked here, I make a few pennies on the dollar (read more here). Being an Amazon Affiliate helps me offset the costs of maintaining and securing this site, which really makes my husband happy!
Junior Great Books Series 4 and 5
Jacob’s Ladder Reading Comprehension Series – Grade 4 ~ (free webinar)
Jacob’s Ladder Reading Comprehension Series – Grade 5 ~ (free webinar)
The Icon Game: Responding to Literature With Depth & Complexity
A Deep and Complex Look at Biographies and Literary Characters
Philosophy and Children’s Literature – (Center for Philosophy for Children) ~ books to help generate classroom philosophical conversations that encourage questioning and thinking
Deeper Reading: Comprehending Challenging Texts ~ see blog post
A Greek Root is Worth 1,000 Words ~ (resources for teaching Greek/ Latin roots – blog post)
Building Language – vocabulary curriculum / Latin stems (gr. 3-4 book)
Caesar’s English – many components (Latin, poetry, culture, writing, vocabulary – gr. 4-5)
Shakespeare Can Be Fun series (see bulletin board based on Macbeth)
One-Minute Mysteries – read about how this can be a first-day icebreaker here
The Weighty Word Book and Weighty Words, Too – vocabulary stories
Mindware Deducibles (Level B) – a paper-and-pencil Wordle-like game. Also Level A.
Crypt-O-Words – advanced vocabulary in hidden words, poetry, and codes (see blog post)
Teaching Advanced Analogies (blog post) ~ see also English for Everyone)
Advancing Through Analogies ~ see blog post
Science News for Students ~ nonfiction science articles to incorporate into thematic units
Quotation Quizzlers – famous quotations presented in puzzles
Pun and Games – (see blog post)
Daily Word Puzzles by Mensa for Kids ~ blog post
Word Winks ~ visual verbal puzzles
Unjournaling ~ (see blog post for how the prompts might be modified for units of study)
Socratic Dialogue Guidelines – (see blog post ~ ideas for introducing student-led discussions)
Lesson with a Twist (paradigm-shifting reading of a text ~ blog post)
Research Project with Depth ~ Eminent People / “Guess Who” Hidden-Picture (w/ tech tutorial)
Lofty Language – (vocabulary enrichment activity- ~ see blog post)
Novel Study One-Pager ~ A Culmination Project (links to many great ideas and templates)
World of Words Virtual Museum (and Teacher Guide with a scavenger hunt ~ see blog post)
Learning Logs and Writing to Learn: Kids’ Brains Benefit! ~ (blog post / free resources)
The Journey of a Question ~ independent research ~ great kickoff for Genius Hour / blog post)
“Connect-the-Dot” Research: Zooming from One Topic to the Next (blog post)
Gnome for the Holidays ~ A Creative Writing Project for Any Season
Chasing Vermeer ~ (TPT – $6.50 / Advanced Book Study / see blog post)
Kid-Created Word Puzzles: FUNdamental Brainwork! (blog post / free resources)
Inflationary Language (lesson – see blog post with featured video clip and free resources)
“O, Captain, My Captain” – (lesson to introduce metaphorical thinking ~ see blog post)
Constrained Writing – creative writing activities with a twist (blog post)
Crazy Daisy Word Association Game
Off Limits Game ~ (TPT -free / like the game of Taboo™ ~ see blog post for a GT variation)
Unique Poetry Forms ~ lipogrammatic, univocalic, fibonacci, pilish, and more (blog post)
An Introduction to Greek Mythology (MENSA for Kids)
The Art of Storytelling (MENSA for Kids)
The Mysterious Benedict Society ~ (TPT – $5.50 / Advanced Book Study / see blog post)
Depth and Complexity with The Giver (TPT – $1.00)
The Phantom Tollbooth ~ (TPT – $6.50 / Advanced Book Study) / see blog post)
A Classic Read-Aloud ~ “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry / see also Holiday / Seasonal
Gifted Teachers’ Suggestions for Literature
- The Giver by Lois Lowery (5th-6th)
- The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
- The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
- Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper
- Wonder by R.J. Palacio
- The Call of the Wild by Jack London
- The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
- Chasing Vermeer by Blue Baillett
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