Many teachers working with gifted and advanced students are required to focus on specific disciplines. The following resources focus on math concepts and skills, problem solving, logic and critical thinking. If you have any questions about any of these resources or have suggestions for additions, please send a MESSAGE. If you are new to this site, you may want to view the 4-minute video tour found HERE.

NOTE: There is no extra cost to you, but when you purchase Amazon products linked here, I make a few pennies on the dollar (read more here). Being an Amazon Affiliate helps me offset the costs of maintaining and securing this site, which really makes my husband happy!


You can find a collection of online math tasks, resources, and manipulatives HERE.

Hands-On Equations (Levels II-III ~ see blog post)

Math Mind Benders – figuring out where to start is half the challenge! ~(see blog post)

Mentoring Mathematical Minds

Math Pickle – Low-floor, high-ceiling original mathematical puzzles, games, and problems

Beanstick Algebra  ~ see blog post

Ed Zaccaro’s Challenge Math

Cranium Crackers

Math Perplexors – varying levels; if your budget allows, buy several and make a logic center (see blog post)

The Ten Things All Future Mathematicians and Scientists Must Know (But Are Rarely Taught) – see also Ch. 8- Occam’s Razor / Ch. 7- Statistics Can Fool You

Balance Math (Level 3) – three types of math puzzles (created for gr. 6-12)

Open Middle ~ challenging math problems for all grades that have multiple solutions!

Muggins Math ~ (age 4 to nuclear physicist!) the Muggins game + resources (see blog post)

Mathigon (awesome FREE courses and activities inspired by the beauty of math!) 

Math Craft (mathematically-inspired art projects)

Get It Together: Math Problems for Groups Grades 4 – 12 (see blog post)

Tanglers: Cooperative Problem-Solving Puzzles

The Stock Market Game (online simulation with teacher resources)

The Stock Market Game (workbook version)

Math Analogies (grades 6-8)

Which One Doesn’t Belong? – (math puzzles w/ many possible answers!) – see blog post

Balance Benders – by The Critical Thinking Co. ~ sample page available

Solve Me Puzzles

Contrasting Facts (Marcy Cook- see blog post)

NRICH (Rich Mathematics) – interactive games and activities

NRICH Problem Posters (4th and up)

A Mathematical Mystery Tour – exploring the Fibonacci sequence and Golden Ratio

Fibonacci Fun: Fascinating Activities with Intriguing Numbers ~ workbook with reproducibles

Slow-Reveal Graphs – making sense of data as information is revealed a bit at a time

Math in Art Projects – a collection of ideas rounded up by Jennifer Smith Jochen

Rubik’s Cube Units and Lessons


Perplexors Logic (Levels A – E) (see blog post about creating a logic center)

Chocolate Fix (see a blog post about using this with older students)

The Set Game (daily online puzzle – here’s the card version)

Krazydad Puzzles – free online and printable versions of all kinds of math and logic puzzles!

Math and Logic Progressive Puzzle ~ Figuring with Fibonacci (TPT – $2.00)


Sideways Arithmetic from Wayside School (see blog post)

Dabbling with Dice – “out of the box” dice puzzles – it’s all about the DOTS!

Go Figure! Kid-Created Math Riddles (video tutorial)

Triple-A Analogies – includes a video tutorial (blog post)

Open-Ended Triple-A Analogies ~ High Ceiling / Low Floor ~ includes ready-to-share slides

More Math Patterns ~ Perplexing and Playful – (with video tutorial)

Learn a Card Trick ~ Explain the Math – includes video tutorials (blog post)

Learn a Calendar Trick ~ Explain the Math – includes video tutorials (blog post)

Beyond Fibonacci: Tribonacci, Tetranocci, and More – with video tutorial

Math and Logic Progressive Puzzle ~ Figuring with Fibonacci (TPT – $2.00)

Beyond Sudoku: Kakuro and Futoshiki (blog post with teaching slide shows)

Kyudoku Logic Puzzles (blog post with video tutorial)

What’s Your Angle, Pythagoras? A Lesson in Math Discovery (with student samples)

Two, Four, Six, Eight – Are You Really Special or Do You Just Think You’re Great? – unique numbers (happy, narcissistic, etc.)

Create a Math Operation (Ian Byrd) ~ see blog post

The Math Behind the Fun and Games ~ For Masterminds Who Love Wordle (video tutorials)

Beyond Sudoku, Part 2: Hashi and Hitori Puzzles (blog post with teaching videos)

You’ve Got Game: Figure Out the Rules! (Part One) and Part Two

“Get to Zero” Math Game (TPT – $2 – complements Hands-On Equations, Level 3)

Extreme Numbers and Fermi Problems (blog post) – videos, lesson ideas, slide deck

Elimination Logic Puzzle – “Porch Pirate Plot” (FREE – holiday shopping season theme)

Kid-Created Logic Puzzles (blog post)

Logic Equations Puzzles (blog post with 3-min. video tutorial)

Math + Logic = Puzzles that Pack a Punch

How to Think About a Number ~ Let Us Count the Ways! (blog post)

How to Turn a Logic Puzzle into a 90-Minute Mystery! (blog post)


Celebrate Fibonacci Day! – choose another Fib date if Nov. 23rd has come and gone!

Fabulous Fibonacci (Mensa for Kids) 

Mathemagic and Arithmetricks: Connecting Math Patterns to Magic (two lessons)

Contig Math Game ~ shared by Lisa Van Gemert, @gifted_guru.

Math Logic Puzzles (multilevel) ~ TPT free download by Kimberly Jayne Creates

Power Struggle ~ math game (exponents) ~ see blog post

RUBIK’S CUBE – Units and Lessons (for all ages)

A Mathematical Mystery Tour: Higher-Level Thinking Math Tasks ~ workbook that presents tasks for learning about the Fibonacci sequence and Golden Ratio. First published in 2008.

Celebrating Powers of Ten Day ~ (blog post)

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