Many gifted resources are designed around unit themes or essential questions. Multidisciplinary units may incorporate any or all of the following: science, social studies, math, research, literature, and the arts. If you have any questions about any of these resources or have suggestions for additions, please send a MESSAGE.

NOTE: There is no extra cost to you, but when you purchase Amazon products linked here, I make a few pennies on the dollar (read more here). Being an Amazon Affiliate helps me offset the costs of maintaining and securing this site, which really makes my husband happy!


The Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP)– Tasks and assessments in unit form for G/T students, K-12

Chesterfield Township Elementary School (NJ) GATE Curriculum Units for K – 6 – the district’s rationale, philosophy, and curriculum units are detailed in this PDF

PBL Works (Project-Based Learning)

Intel Teaching Idea Showcase – teaching ideas that showcase the integration of technology into classroom projects for all ages and most subjects

Ed Zaccaro’s The Ten Things All Mathematicians and Scientists Must Know (But Are Rarely Taught)see also Ch. 8- Occam’s Razor / Ch. 7- Statistics Can Fool You

The Story of Science (Teacher’s Guide) ~ see blog post

The Stock Market Game (online simulation with teacher resources)

The Stock Market Game (workbook version) (simulation ~ students “play” the market)

4th Grade G/TMYSTERIES ~ (year-long thematic unit ~ sample / see blog post)

5th Grade G/TIMPACT ~ (year-long thematic unit ~ sample / see blog post)


Building Big – (includes Educators’ Guide; engineering behind large structures such as bridges and domes / intended for Grades 5 -8)

UAV (Drone) Technology ~ Learning Activities, Videos, and Socratic Dialogue

Kids Building Big: A Geodesic Dome in Less than an Hour!

It’s in Your Genes ~ Inherited Traits and DNA Lessons ~ (blog post / free lesson, videos, links)

The Spreading of a Virus (simulation – one class period)

Occam’s Razor, Critical Thinking, Big Foot, and Aliens (4th – 8th) (blog post)

Cryptology and Cybersecurity for Young Scholars ~ Part One: The History of Codes and Ciphers ~ Part Two: Crack the Code! ~ Part Three: Decipher This! ~ Virtual Learning Slide Show (entire mini-unit)

Shark Tank Simulation! – (FREE) Lessons and resources shared that will help you recreate the Shark Tank in your classroom (guest blog post)

The Mystery of Me – (free mini-project for the beginning of the year- see blog post)

Mysteries of the Deep Sea ~ Mini-Unit Resources (blog post) – the twilight zone!

You’ve Got a Lot of Nerve!… and Other Fascinating Things to Learn About the Brain

Mystery, Art, and Magical Media – based on Edward Munch’s Scream

Think Like an Archaeologist: Kid-Created Artifacts and a Mini-Excavation (simulation)

Kids With Class: Student-Created Videos for Extended Learning -“To teach is to learn twice.”

Research Project with Depth ~ Eminent People / “Guess Who” Class Presentations (blog post)

Digital Scavenger Hunts, Goose Chases and Virtual Challenges (blog post)- Click here TO PREVIEW “Scavenger Hunt for Homebound Scholars,” and here TO MAKE A COPY. (When you get to the spreadsheet, click on FORM ~ Edit Form.)

“Connect-the-Dot” Research: Zooming from One Topic to the Next (blog post)

The Science and Engineering Behind Harry Potter (Teach Engineering)

“Sand-tastic” Beach-Themed Day or Mini-Unit

Skype a Scientist – find a scientist to chat with your class via Skype!

Understanding Time: A Timeline Lesson (blog post)

Invention Impact / Unintended Consequences – (blog post) links to many resources and a lesson

Powers of Ten and Cosmic Eye: Mind-Expanding for Students~ blog post about how you can use this video

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