Our Student-Created Interactive Museum: Where Imagination Took Center Stage

by Stefanie Schropp My colleague and friend Stefanie Schropp continues to amaze me. She is the Gifted, Talented, and Enrichment Coordinator on her pre-K through 8th-grade campus and she’s previously shared on the blog about her student Padlet porftolios. Recently, her GT students hosted an extraordinary hands-on interactive museum, and I had the pleasure of visiting and experiencing … Read more

End-of-Year Showcase Events ~ 3 Simple Ways to Enhance the Experience!

In the post All the World’s a Stage ~ Spotlight Your Students’ Learning, I shared some of my favorite ways to spotlight student work either throughout the year or at an EOY showcase event. In this post, I’ve elaborated on three ways to make a showcase more exciting for your students to create and more … Read more

90-Second Newbery ~ A Unique Contest and Concept!

by Alicia Menchaca Recently, I asked teachers to share contests and competitions they love, and Alicia Menchaca, an Enrichment Coordinator in Uvalde, Texas, commented that her students had participated in – and won- the 90-Second Newberry. I asked if she would share more, and she generously agreed. I love the concept of dramatizing the entire … Read more

All the World’s a Stage ~ Spotlight Your Students’ Learning

If you’re looking for some new ways to showcase your students’ learning, whether on a bulletin board in the hallway, on a display out in the community, through a digital platform, or in a major showcase event, here are some ideas to consider. Posting student work for an audience beyond your classroom encourages students to … Read more

3 Ways to Engage Students Using a Virtual Museum Template!

If you haven’t seen David Lee’s VIRTUAL MUSEUM TEMPLATE, it’s an exciting addition to the virtual learning resources out there! My brain has been pondering its many uses ever since I discovered it. Consider what students usually do when they visit a museum on a field trip. They push buttons to view interactive displays. They … Read more