What’s First When You Sit Down to Plan? (Video Series)

What do you think about when you sit down to plan for your intellectually gifted students? What are the first things you DO? Let’s just get real. I know we have curricular guidelines and state standards to think about, and maybe you don’t incorporate the Depth and Complexity framework. But I think we can learn … Read more

Teachers with a Design Mindset ~ Join the “Share and Tell”

As we begin the spring semester, many of you are planning with the END in mind– the end being May / June for most of us. Shout out, though, to my international and Australian subscribers who are planning for a brand new year. It may be different for you, but for me, this time of … Read more

Sample Studies: Year-Long Thematic Units (Kinder-5th)

Here are sample Scope and Sequence documents that may give you a starting place in year-long planning or spark some new ideas to add to your curriculum. These grade-level studies are built around universal themes. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read these two articles about long-term planning for gifted students: PLEASE READ: Planning … Read more

Long-Term Planning for Deep and Complex Studies: A Work Always in Progress

“Everyone wants to connect content across subject areas… but how do we create an overarching idea that unifies our content over an entire semester or a year? Few of us have a tool to make this happen. This is why Universal Themes are a key – but tragically underused – part of the Depth and … Read more