Your students are being called “the Artemis generation.” The plans for NASA’s Artemis missions don’t include going to “infinity,” but they are bold and exciting and set the stage for missions to Mars. I’ve spent some time viewing videos and exploring NASA’s educational resources, and used a little of everything to create what I hope is an engaging introduction to all things Artemis. It’s designed for students in grades 3 – 8, and I’ve included links to NASA’s resources which incorporate skills and concepts across disciplines and hands-on STEM explorations for grades K-12.
One of my favorite ways to hook students is with a puzzle (see Two Puzzles Are Better Than One), so the lesson begins with this fallen phrase puzzle followed by a guessing game presentation with answers provided through short video excerpts. You can scroll through to preview a few slides in the presentation below and make your own copy HERE. The entire presentation would require about 18-20 minutes, depending on the discussion time. It can also be presented in shorter segments over several days.
NASA’s Knows! Educator Resources (K-4)
Forward to the Moon Activity Guide (K-8)
NEW! Artemis Progressive Puzzle (4th and up -$2) ~ this set of puzzles would be a great follow-up activity
Artemis Camp Experience (K-12)– informal education / STEM Night / After-School
The First Moon Landing (Apollo 11)
All About Famous Astronaut Neil Armstrong – with over 20 additional links to resources including a virtual museum tour!
Follow Artemis II with your students.

I hope this gives your students a handle on what the ARTEMIS program is all about! If you try some of the STEM activities, we’d love to see photos in our Facebook group!