Here are two more engaging NRICH activities in which students must figure out the rules! This is a continuation of a previous post which you can find HERE.
In the video below, the game is presented and students are challenged to determine the rules and the strategies that lead to winning!
You can find a poster of the problem, a PowerPoint presentation, teacher guidelines, and more HERE.

Okay, so technically this is not a game, but your math lovers will see it as one. It does involve figuring out rules! So much can be done with one problem! The problem, teacher resources, and solutions can all be found HERE.
When you have time, the video below is a teaching demonstration in which students are required to articulate their thinking as they find patterns in Magic Vs. Members of the NRICH team present the problem to students participating in an online workshop This is the best kind of professional development and you get a front-row seat!
Here are a two other posts on this site in which NRICH problems are referenced: