The Power of Improv in the Classroom!

by Mel Paradis. Mel Paradis is a GT teacher and coordinator for three elementary schools in Wyoming and also a member of an improv comedy troupe! I was thrilled when she offered to write a post about how she uses improvisation in the classroom to engage students, enhance their thinking skills, reinforce content, and so … Read more

On the Hunt for Maggie O’Brady, Storybook Lady ~ Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Like previous scavenger hunts shared on this site, On the Hunt for Maggie O’Brady is an educational virtual field trip that includes a mystery element: Maggie goes on a trip around the world and is now missing. Students gather information as they retrace her journey via Google Earth, and then solve a puzzle and a … Read more

Math and Science and their IMPACT on the World!

I’ve previously shared about Ed Zaccaro’s book The 10 Things All Future Mathematicians and Scientists Should Know (But Are Rarely Taught), and how I introduced and reinforced the BIG IDEAS in these lessons over a two-year span with my 4th and 5th grade GT students. You can read the first post I shared HERE. In this post, … Read more

Kid-Created Google Earth Projects ~ Virtual Scavenger Hunts and More

See the KID-CREATED category for additional tutorials and projects that invite students to create original puzzles, presentations, events, and more. If your upper elementary or middle school students have enjoyed any of these Google Earth virtual scavenger hunts, it might be interesting to have them try to create their own as part of a unit … Read more

90-Second Newbery ~ A Unique Contest and Concept!

by Alicia Menchaca Recently, I asked teachers to share contests and competitions they love, and Alicia Menchaca, an Enrichment Coordinator in Uvalde, Texas, commented that her students had participated in – and won- the 90-Second Newberry. I asked if she would share more, and she generously agreed. I love the concept of dramatizing the entire … Read more

Mysteries of the Deep Sea ~ Mini-Unit Resources (4th and up)

If you’re looking for a novel topic of study that involves exploring MYSTERIES and UNANSWERED QUESTIONS, you might like to introduce your students to the ocean’s twilight zone! Some are calling it the next frontier because so little is known about this ecosystem. What has been discovered so far will fascinate and perhaps surprise your … Read more

Kids Help to Spotlight Work and Share with Parents through Padlet Portfolios

by Stefanie Schropp Stefanie Schropp is the Gifted, Talented, and Enrichment Coordinator on her pre-K through 8th-grade campus. In addition to teaching pull-out classes for 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade G/T students, she also “pushes in” to teach whole-class enrichment lessons in all elementary and pre-K classes. On top of that, she teaches a G/T middle … Read more

Learning “Off-the-Wall” ~ 7 Things You Can Quickly Put Up that Enhance Lessons

The photo of my classroom shown here is one I took a few years back and I promise- I did not spend a lot of time or energy putting things on walls. As the year progressed, I added things, but here are some things you can put up very quickly that promote ongoing learning and … Read more

Open-Ended Triple-A Analogies ~ High Ceiling / Low Floor

Here is a math activity that can serve as a quick brain teaser or an ongoing whole-class activity to use throughout the school year. First, if you aren’t familiar with what I call Triple-A Analogies, watch the video tutorial below, first shared in this post. It’s a great place to start and you’ll find ready-to-share … Read more

Delicious Extensions that Delighted My Students ~ Guest Blog Post

by Taylor Halliday NOTE (from Donna): Last year, I discovered Natalie Babbitt’s novel The Search for Delicious and immediately saw the potential for use with GT students. What a treat it was for me when Gifted Intervention Specialist Taylor Halliday shared her excitement and enthusiasm for the study. Even more thrilling were the fun activities … Read more