24 Challenge® ~ Math Club and Tournament Resources

Recently, GT teacher Julia Dweck (@GiftedTawk) posted on Twitter about her class competing in the math game 24 with a group of college students. One video she shared of her students competing in a Variables round was amazing! I confess: I was not aware of the many different versions of the game! I was inspired … Read more

Kid-Created Number Logic Problems ~ More Gus and Gabby

Recently, I had a chance to introduce a group of 3rd-grade GT students to the Gus and Gabby problems found HERE. After doing a set of problems, the students asked if they could create their own. They were reading my mind, and I loved that it was their idea! The process of creating their own … Read more

On the Hunt for Amazing Beach Wildlife ~ Another Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Here is another virtual scavenger hunt, but this one is a bit different from previous ones I’ve shared on this site. With just ONE CLICK, your students will be off on their journey! The scavenger hunt experience is much the same- students “travel” from place to place around the world, via Google Earth, hunting for … Read more

“Sand-tastic” Beach Theme Day or Mini-Unit to End the Year

Who doesn’t love the beach, and this time of year who isn’t already dreaming about summer days? So, why not turn that into an opportunity for learning? Recently, 5th-grade teacher Jen Pillman reached out on social media asking teachers for “beach-themed” ideas. Through direct messaging, Jen shared she uses THEME DAYS as rewards in her … Read more

Spot the Difference: A Visual-Spatial Activity for K-2

Here is an activity that I used for enrichment with Kinder and 1st grade during a time when we were working on visual-spatial discrimination (In the P.E.T.S.™ curriculum, this is Max the Magician’s specialty). I was so surprised by the results! It had me wondering if this activity could even aid in identifying gifted kinder … Read more

The Premack Principle in the GT Classroom

Even if you don’t recognize this principle, I’m confident that you’re familiar with it. The Premack Principle is also known as “Grandma’s rule” and the gist is “no dessert until you eat your dinner!” More specifically stated, it is delaying a preferred activity until a less preferred activity has been completed. What does this have … Read more

Novel Study One-Pager ~  A Culmination Project (Gr 4 and up)

Do you do novel studies with your students? If so, this is a culminating project I can recommend for both general education and gifted classes, particularly in middle school. No doubt you’ve heard of one-pagers and may have even assigned them. You’ll find many great write-ups and resources listed below. I thought I’d share some … Read more

Valentine Cryptograms (1st and Up)

Kids love secret messages! In this activity, students use color to “fix” the code below and then write a secret Valentine’s Day message using their own code. This activity is a great complement to this lesson found in the P.E.T.S. (Primary Education Thinking Skills) program. If your students have no prior experience with deciphering, you … Read more

Thinker’s Toolbox ~ A Big Idea for Students and Teachers Alike

Many moons ago, before I started teaching GT classes, I had never heard of S.C.A.M.P.E.R., Six-Hat Thinking, FFOE… and the list goes on. After just a few months, I found myself using thinking strategies all the time, and – decades later- I continue to use them! The big-picture concept of a Thinker’s Toolbox, a phrase … Read more

Virtual Reality Art- So Easy!

Now every teacher can do a VR project! Panoform provides an easy way to turn a 2-D (flat) piece of art into a 3-D VR experience! All you need to do is follow these three easy steps: STEP ONE: Download the BASIC GRID page found HERE on the Panoform website. It looks like this: STEP … Read more