Learn a Calendar Trick ~ Explain the Math!

Welcome, New Year! The first week back in January is a great time to introduce your students to the fun patterns in calendars and teach them a few tricks they can perform at home. Previously I’ve shared about incorporating “math magic” in the classroom and some fun math card tricks in Learn a Card Trick … Read more

Holiday History ~ The Christmas Truce of 1914

The extraordinary truce that took place on Christmas Day during World War I is a piece of history that you might like to share with older students during December. It can be shared in less than 15 minutes or expanded into a longer lesson with time for discussion. Your decision to share will depend on … Read more

Thinking Like a Disciplinarian: The Heart of STEM

This has been on my mind for a while, and a recent conversation in a social media group inspired me to write this. A new GT teacher asked, “Is gifted (education) all about STEM now?” This prompted some great discussion, and I’d like to continue the conversation here and in our Facebook group. Here is … Read more

What’s Your Perspective? Socratic Dialogue + Thinking Tools (Grades 3-8)

“Socratic circles are the best activity that takes place in my classroom, bar none… Critical reading, critical thinking, discussion skills, listening skills, team-building skills, vocabulary improvement, and student ownership, voice, and empowerment are all valid reasons for including Socratic circles in the classroom.” ~ Matt Copeland, author of Socratic Circles If you’ve never tried Socratic … Read more

Diving into “The Skater at Ghost Lake”: A Rich Language Lesson (4th-8th)

In the classic poem “The Skater at Ghost Lake,” William Rose Benet crafted an eerie picture with words, somewhat spooky but not horrific or frightening – perfect for late October. Here are a few ideas you can use to lure students into a closer reading of just four stanzas, with ideas for extensions. INTRODUCING the … Read more

Mysteries of the Deep Sea ~ Mini-Unit Resources (4th and up)

If you’re looking for a novel topic of study that involves exploring MYSTERIES and UNANSWERED QUESTIONS, you might like to introduce your students to the ocean’s twilight zone! Some are calling it the next frontier because so little is known about this ecosystem. What has been discovered so far will fascinate and perhaps surprise your … Read more

Learning “Off-the-Wall” ~ 7 Things You Can Quickly Put Up that Enhance Lessons

The photo of my classroom shown here is one I took a few years back and I promise- I did not spend a lot of time or energy putting things on walls. As the year progressed, I added things, but here are some things you can put up very quickly that promote ongoing learning and … Read more

24 Challenge® ~ Math Club and Tournament Resources

Recently, GT teacher Julia Dweck (@GiftedTawk) posted on Twitter about her class competing in the math game 24 with a group of college students. One video she shared of her students competing in a Variables round was amazing! I confess: I was not aware of the many different versions of the game! I was inspired … Read more

“Sand-tastic” Beach Theme Day or Mini-Unit to End the Year

Who doesn’t love the beach, and this time of year who isn’t already dreaming about summer days? So, why not turn that into an opportunity for learning? Recently, 5th-grade teacher Jen Pillman reached out on social media asking teachers for “beach-themed” ideas. Through direct messaging, Jen shared she uses THEME DAYS as rewards in her … Read more

Spot the Difference: A Visual-Spatial Activity for K-2

Here is an activity that I used for enrichment with Kinder and 1st grade during a time when we were working on visual-spatial discrimination (In the P.E.T.S.™ curriculum, this is Max the Magician’s specialty). I was so surprised by the results! It had me wondering if this activity could even aid in identifying gifted kinder … Read more