If you’re looking for ways to incorporate advanced vocabulary while having fun with words, here are a few activities to add to those presented in previous posts (see Pun and Games… and Kid-Created Word Puzzles).
Many of you reading this are too young to remember the Danish musician, conductor, and comedian Victor Borge. My mother, a pianist who appreciated his amazing talent, introduced his unique brand of comedy to our family.
“Inflationary language” is one example of his creative genius. He pondered the idea that over time, prices go up (inflate); what if language also inflated? Many English words contain the sounds of numbers (e.g. WONDERFUL = ONEderful; TONIGHT = TWOnight), he explained. What if the number sounds were inflated by one each time they appear in a word?
The 3-minute clip below is from the early days of television, so it’s low quality. However, I’ve found students still enjoy and appreciate it!
Here is a slide show that includes a transcript of what Borge reads in this clip as well as another short story to share with students and a challenge to create original short skits using inflationary language.
This fun vocabulary enrichment activity may be familiar to you. Book titles, proverbs, and common expressions are written in “lofty language” using synonyms which may be less familiar to students.
To generate an abbreviated anecdote from an interminable one. (to make a long story short) |
Similarly-plumed fowl assemble as one. (birds of a feather flock together) |
HERE are two “Lofty Language” activities you can share with students, all at once or as “daily brainteasers.” Again, there is a challenge inviting students to create their own. (Note: if you have trouble accessing the activity pages, or need an answer key, please send a MESSAGE.)
What other ideas do you have for bringing a little language levity into the classroom? Comment below so that we can all benefit!