“Triple-A” Analogies: Challenges for Math (4th-8th):

If your students are fans of the 24 Game, they might enjoy “Triple-A” Analogies. While looking for some challenging math problems and puzzles, I ran across a type of analogy I had not seen, and even though the YouTube video was not narrated in English, I was intrigued by the math enough to try it … Read more

“Kid-Created” Can Differentiate It: Creating for a Purpose and an Audience

This post reflects what teachers needed in 2020, during the time of our worldwide pandemic. The links below are all still active as of 9/2024 and there are some great ideas! Have you noticed that creativity is playing a major role in how people are handling this pandemic? I am so inspired by people everywhere … Read more

Classroom Conversations: Video-Prompted Socratic Dialogue

Many teachers who work with gifted students incorporate Socratic Dialogue, Socratic Seminar, Shared Inquiry, Philosophical Chairs, or other methods of facilitating scholarly discourse and discussion. The methods and goals vary depending on the objectives. Some begin with reading a specific text or quote (see Philosophy for Kids), and some lean more towards debate, but all … Read more

More Pun and Games: A Little Language Levity

If you’re looking for ways to incorporate advanced vocabulary while having fun with words, here are a few activities to add to those presented in previous posts (see Pun and Games… and Kid-Created Word Puzzles). INFLATIONARY LANGUAGE Many of you reading this are too young to remember the Danish musician, conductor, and comedian Victor Borge. … Read more

Deeper Reading: Strategies for Comprehending Challenging Texts

If I had to name the ONE book that has most influenced my teaching practices in guiding students through challenging texts, it would have to be Deeper Reading by Kelly Gallagher. A high school English teacher, presenter, instructional coach, and author of a number of books, Kelly Gallagher is well known for his educational leadership … Read more

Beyond Sudoku, Part 2: Hashi and Hitori Puzzles

In a previous post, I shared instructions, tutorials, and links for introducing two types of Japanese number logic puzzles to your students: Kakuro and Futoshiki. Here are two additional types that are also less well known, along with tutorials and free resources you can use in your classroom. Hashiwokakero or Hashi o kakero means “building … Read more

Choice Boards and Menus ~ Sample Activities Ready to Share

Many teachers are creating CHOICE BOARDS and MENUS for their students during this time of school closures. If you’ve never created one, there are several different ways you can do it, depending on how you’d like to share it with your students. For example, this video shows how to create one in Google Docs to … Read more

Student-Created Escape Chamber: A Unique Project and Learning Journey

Breakouts and Escape Rooms! Scavenger and Treasure Hunts! Have you tried these kinds of learning experiences in your classroom yet? Many teachers are now creating their own online escape experiences for students using Google Forms. Here’s one example, created and generously shared by Amy van Dyk, and here’s another one, created by Librarian Sydney Krawiec. … Read more

Kid-Created Word Puzzles: FUN-damental Brainwork!

Teachers, if you cannot access the puzzles or tutorials, please contact your district about approving this website or access through a personal Gmail account. Even if you “request access,” some of the school servers block access. MESSAGE if you have a question! HERE’S A CHALLENGE! How many words with five or more letters can you … Read more

Learning Logs and Writing to Learn: Kids’ Brains Benefit!

Not everyone is a writer, and many of my advanced students say they hate writing. But the brain is activated in a different way and learning is enhanced when a student writes, sketches, or even doodles by hand rather than texting or typing. Three things encouraged me to have my students create learning logs : … Read more