Crypt-O-Words: Advanced Vocabulary “Caught” not “Taught”

A funny thing happened when I was creating a new resource for you. About a year ago, I began working on an idea for vocabulary enrichment that would “sneak” advanced vocabulary into activities students enjoy. I know many students love hidden words, wordplay, and puzzles. I thought it might be fun to create a resource … Read more

Big Words for Little Scholars

Little kids love BIG WORDS. I remember learning to spell the word poinsettia in kindergarten. It was December, and my amazing teacher (aren’t all kindergarten teachers amazing?) had squeezed every bit of learning out of that flower incorporating science, language, and art! After teaching us all about the flower, our teacher challenged us to learn … Read more

DAILY WORD GAMES ~ Word Play for the “Word Smart”

The kid-friendly puzzles described below were originally offered by THE PUZZLE SOCIETY, but appear to be unavailable right now. Adult versions are available on their website. Here are a few interactive vocabulary-building games that will challenge those student linguists in your room. Use them for virtual enrichment, warm-up activities, additions to a choice board, or … Read more

More Pun and Games: A Little Language Levity

If you’re looking for ways to incorporate advanced vocabulary while having fun with words, here are a few activities to add to those presented in previous posts (see Pun and Games… and Kid-Created Word Puzzles). INFLATIONARY LANGUAGE Many of you reading this are too young to remember the Danish musician, conductor, and comedian Victor Borge. … Read more