If your students are fans of the 24 Game, they might enjoy “Triple-A” Analogies. While looking for some challenging math problems and puzzles, I ran across a type of analogy I had not seen, and even though the YouTube video was not narrated in English, I was intrigued by the math enough to try it out.
In this challenge, each analogy is written with three answer choices all of which are correct. In other words, each answer can be found by performing a computation or a series of computations.
Students must have an understanding of powers and exponents, and some of the computations are unconventional and take some time to discover. Also, several series of computations can result in a correct answer, so accept any solutions that work. These could be included in timed math contests and competitions, or you might post or share one a week and have students turn in computations as they discover them.

ONE NOTE: In most formal tests, number analogies have only one correct answer. Students gifted in math would be able to distinguish these two very different formats, but you might want to consider whether it may cause confusion for some students before presenting these.
The 5-minute slide show below demonstrates how to solve this type of analogy and is ready to share with students. You can also find the direct link here. It begins with a very easy analogy challenge, then advances to a more challenging one.
Here are two sets of Triple-A Analogies:
Answer Keys have been shared with subscribers. If you are not a subscriber, you can request the keys by either subscribing or completing a REQUEST FORM.
Students might use a different sequence of computations to solve these, and that’s great. It would be fun to see how many the class can find for each answer. You can also use the answer key to give HINTS for each computation when students are frustrated.
As always, I would also ENCOURAGE STUDENTS TO CREATE THEIR OWN Triple-A Analogies (see Open-Ended Triple-A Analogies ~ High Ceiling / Low Floor). Please share in the comments if you try the challenges with your students or if your students create original ones!
You can also use these as math warm-ups or brainteasers (see Math on the Move: Quick Brain Benders that Get Students On Their Feet)
Triple-A Analogies Answer Key – May I request one?
Hey, Jennifer! I sent the answer key via email. Let me know if you didn’t get it! I hope your students enjoy the activity!
May I also get one?
Of course! Sending it now, Jessica!
Answer key, please.
Please complete the COMMENT/ REQUEST form and I’ll send the answers right away. Thanks!
Me too?
Please complete the COMMENT/ REQUEST form and I’ll be happy to share the answers!
Could I get a copy of the answer key? TIA
If you will complete a REQUEST form, I’ll be happy to share the answer key with you. You can find the form on the WELCOME page of the site. Thanks for your interest.